Membership Luncheon: Local Economic Info Session with EDASC
Our members asked, and we listened! Local Economic Info Session with EDASC
John Sternlicht, CEO of the Economic Development Alliance of Skagit County (EDASC).
He will be providing us with a local economic information session.
We'll also be raffling off a new gift basket - be sure to bring cash to purchase your raffle tickets!
Event Sponsors
Membership Luncheon: Local Economic I...
Date and Time
Wednesday May 15, 2024 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PDT
11:30 Networking
11:40 Sponsors
11:55 Main Program
12:55 Door Prizes
Burlington Public Library
820 E Washington Ave
Online register and pay:
Members, pre-pay online: $20
**TO GET THIS RATE, you must be a Chamber Member, Register & Pay Online. Members paying at the door will be billed at the $25 rate.