Community Action of Skagit County
Community Action of Skagit County
Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
About Us
Community Action of Skagit County’s vision is a community in which everyone works together to end poverty in Skagit County. Our mission is to stabilize lives, equip people for success and build a stronger more equitable Skagit County.
Each individual and family has their own path to stability and success. With caring Community Action staff and our supporters and partners, we are able to provide immediate relief and long-term support to help seniors stay in their homes, veterans connect to the benefits they earned serving our country, young families access nutrition and developmental support for their babies, and under-resourced jobseekers re-enter the workforce with more skills and tools for success. Together the road is navigable and achievable.Rep/Contact Info
Taylor BabcockTaylor Babcock- Phone: (360) 416-7585
Marissa DavisonMarissa Davison- Phone: (360) 588-5724
Mindy EngstromMindy Engstrom- Phone: (360) 416-7585
Liz JenningsLiz Jennings- Phone: (360) 588-5719
Isabela OrdonezIsabela Ordonez- Phone: (360) 416-7585
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